The real and typical image of corrupt officials created by Mo Yang

Ten years after receiving highest award in literature, Nobel Prize in Literature, Mo Yan did not expect that what Mo Yan would bring again would be drama Crocodile. As Mo Yan said, "Drama is my dream. It has been a dream for many years". So for readers, getting to know Mo Yan, a brand new playwright, will also be a new reading experience. Especially since “ Crocodile" will sooner or later take to big stage, so you can look forward to it here.

The real and typical image of corrupt officials created by Mo Yang

Like a novel, "Crocodile" continues general style of Mo Yan's works, full of humor and irony, and magical realism breaks traditions of drama. Mo Yan once worked in prosecutor's office for some time, accumulated a large number of case files and prototypes of corrupt officials. The main character of "Crocodile" is a corrupt official who fled to United States. The image of this corrupt official is still very three-dimensional and representative, and name is very interesting. Born in a poor family, relying on his own strength, he gradually got to position of mayor, but could not control his desire and little by little fell into abyss of corruption. he has no job, no people, no home and country in his heart. Such conflicting psychology is a true depiction of human nature, including arranging for his wife and children to go abroad in advance, and then fleeing and reuniting with himself after Dongchuan Incident This is what many "naked officials" in past "way to do.

The real and typical image of corrupt officials created by Mo Yang

Compared to novels, a drama script will feel more straightforward, clear and intuitive, like a crocodile in front of you. When a person has money and leisure, naturally there will be people around who flatter and take advantage of opportunity to gain benefits. Wuzan knows this well too, but he still buys a crocodile and puts it in living room. The crocodile is a character in script. If you grow a crocodile for ten years, as long as tank it lives in is large enough, it can grow from half a foot to four meters. Everyone has a crocodile named wish no limit, it will expand and explode and then backfire. In Crocodile, these truths are directly expressed through mouths of characters, but everyone knows truth, but there are still too many people blinded by desire. The drama form may be able to interpret these truths more vividly, so that viewers who see can feel deeper. In fact, as you read, scenes in book will always be built in your mind. Good words can really make people feel completely immersed in it.

The real and typical image of corrupt officials created by Mo Yang

The Crocodile isn't too long, and it doesn't have a hard-edged sermon, on contrary, it creates a lot of conflict between characters and their own sense of drama, and unearths complexity of human nature down to simplest things. to understand a language that still has a strong warning effect on people in reality. At same time, it is a Chinese-style drama, showing some of dark side in rapid development of society.
